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Matrix Consultec has made humble start in the year 2002 by Mr. R S Mishra, an industrial professional for almost 40 years. Beginning with consultancy services, this was later turned into a turn- key service provider in wide range of environmental solutions covering domestic and industrial sector. Pulp and paper industry receives specific mention covering area both in process & environmental solutions.


Matrix Consultec has stepped up with clear objective of serving to the cause of Environmental Protection by providing tailor made quality service.
- Resource conservation,
- Recycling
- Cleaner production process
- Cost effective solutions
- Operator friendly plant design
- Proven updated technologies
- Covering industrial and domestic pollution


Matrix Consultec have following main activities:

    • Technical Consultancy in General
    • Plant & Equipment design and supply
    • Turn-key service
    • Specific service to pulp & paper industry


    Our core area of activity is pollution control in general, which include

    • Effluent treatment
    • Sewage treatment plant (both as individual as well as in combination),
    • Water treatment,
    • Air pollution control,
    • Solid waste treatment and incineration system specific to individual requirement.
    • Matrix Consultec provide complete solution using latest proven, operator friendly technology for treatment plants. Up-gradation of existing under capacity systems for providing retrofitting.
    • Pulp &paper industry is another area of expertise, where both process and environmental solutions are available. Moreover, each project is designed to suit individual requirement based on manufacturing process. Recent Lignin removal and recovery system for pulp mill effluent may prove to be milestone.

    MATRIX CONSULTEC is constituted of services of panel of experts in specific field. This has come up as result of strength gained through hard work and years of experience in the industry in India and abroad. The venture has been initiated by R S Mishra in a view to provide quality service to the industry. Brief description of bio-data of Directors is given below:


    First Class Masters degree in Chemistry from the University of Saugar, India (1968).

    Began career in 1968 as industrial chemist to later hold various senior Managerial positions in India and abroad.

    Member (1979) TAPPI (Technical association of Pulp & Paper Industry). Held water committee membership.

    Former Nominated Member Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), and Kenya Bureau of Standards (KBS).

    Professional association & participation in various seminars on management, Pulp & paper, Pollution Control including (EMS-ISO14000 Quality ISO-9000).

    In addition to being responsible for all pollution and process control matters in the integrated industries covering chemical, boiler, power plant, recovery and various pulp & paper related plant, he worked with since 1968,  following are some important participation:

    • First association with environmental protection began way back 1970 when NEERI (formerly CPHERI), the National pioneers, took up experimental work at Orient Paper.
    • Environmental Aspects of Industrial development: UNEP/National Environment Secretariat, Govt. of Kenya/N C University, USA, March 1978.
    • Interaction meet on Waste Management in Pulp & Paper Industry:

    CPCB /Ministry of Environment& Natural resources Govt. of India, New Delhi- Nov. 1994.

      • Appreciation cum commitment Training Program on Environmental Management system (EMS) CII, May 1996
      • CII Environmental Management, New Delhi -Aug. 1998
      • TAPPI meet on Pulp & Paper and Environment-Dec. 1999
      • Paperex International meets in 1993,95,97,99,2001,2005,2007
      • HP Productivity Council meet on Cleaner Production, Shimla
      • Represented as Member Baddi Barotiwala Nalagarh (BBN) IndustryAssociation on matters of Environment. Presently associated with BBN Industry Association and their Solid waste Handling project.
      • Involved with URS consultants Pty , Australia (invitees of Govt. of Himachal Pradesh as representative BBN industrial association during their study for CETP at Barotiwala & Baddi during 1999-2000
      • Meet on Water Digest conference 20-21 April 2007

    Technical services began as Consultant in Jan. 2002. Subsequently, full-fledged services followed as supplier of complete equipment since 2005. Has served industries covering Agro, Chemical, Dairy, Food, Pharmaceuticals, Pulp & Paper, Steel, Metal fabrication etc.
    Area of services cover, Water (both domestic and industrial) & Industrial wastewater, Sewage, Air Pollution control, Equipment design & Engineering, Regulatory matters. Pulp & Paper, Process, Conversion, Printing Design & Engineering. Project Appraisals.


    A graduate from Punjab University, 1994. Has worked in SSI unit independently and later setup paper-packaging unit in Chandigarh. This followed setting up another SSI unit on specialized paper coating, the project was designed, installed, commissioned and operated by him. Has also undertaken up-gradation of another coating plant and product. These projects were all in Western India (Mumbai & around).

    These followed joint venture with Finnish company (Helsinki) on specialized coating plant, machinery & product related to health catering industry.

    Independent Consultant in coating plant & process and equipment parts design, paper and film (including holo-graphics) finishing and printing machinery design. Recently concluded development of upgraded machinery equipment at Silvassa based Holo-graphics company.

    He is engaged in design and manufacture of flex-o-graphic multicolor printing, winding machinery for export, Self adhesive coating plant. Consultant for flexible packaging industry as well as a director responsible for his company Kalpvrux Converting Products Private Limited has expertise in:

    • Rotogravure printing
    • Flex o graphic Printing
    • Solvented Adhesive lamination
    • Solvent less Adhesive lamination
    • High speed slitting-rewinding
    • Customized designing and construction of rotogravure press, coating equipments, and slitter re-winders.
    • Customized CAD solutions using ProE, Solid Edge, Cimmatron, AutoCAD and Ideas soft wares.

    Traveled extensively in India, Africa, Asia (south East Asia including Sri Lanka, Singapore, Hong Kong, main land China) and Europe (including Scandinavia) mainly related to techno-commercial matters.


    A graduate of Punjab University, 1999. Qualified computer engineer. Presently handling Computer hardware and partly software (including data recovery) affairs.

    His contribution is basically to provide hardware and software support in handling various technical aspects related to studies and reports. He is running his outfit independently in Chandigarh & Baddi (HP) in name of Matrix Infotech.

    Matrix Consultec enjoys support of fabrication & maintenance engineers and from various arms such as machinery & equipment manufacturers, Civil Engineers, suppliers, consultants etc.

    • Chemical
    • Coating Plant
    • Distillery
    • Dairy
    • Dyeing unit
    • Food
    • Leather
    • Metal
    • Oil
    • Printing
    • Pulp & Paper
    • Pharmaceutical
    • Rice Sheller
    • Sewage
    • Steel Furnace


    There are clients dealt directly and indirectly (on behalf of business friendly company) in the state of Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Gujarat, Dadra Nagar Haveli (Silvassa) and Punjab.

    Check out our Client List

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